ASTM B366-2010a 工厂加工的锻制镍和镍合金配件的标准规格

时间:2024-04-25 00:34:40 来源: 标准资料网 作者:标准资料网 阅读:9980
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MIL-STD-1320-275, MILITARY STANDARD, TRUCKLOADING ADG-770/B ADAPTER GROUP IN CNU-439 A/E CONTAINER (18 JUN 1993)., This document gives detailed instructions for truckloading the ADG-770/B Adapter Group packaged in the CNU-438A/E Shipping and Storage Container. The Unit Load shown on Page 1 shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-1323-384 Navy.【英文标准名称】:ElectricLamps-250-Watt,100-VoltS50Single-EndedHigh-PressureSodiumLamps